Microgreen smoothie and sprouts are superfood and your energy booster.
They work best when you consume them each day of the week.
At least five days primarily. We prepare the weekly pack for you to make the order hassle free and cheaper.
Regular price : 95 BDT (one shot for single day)
Weekly Pack Price : 420 BDT (more than 10% discount on regular price)
What we offer: The same amount (exact quantity of daily pack) and same quality, we do make your daily life easy and this is why the package exists.
You need to order once a week. We will continue deliver them entire week at your doorstep.
For more info call 8801817016656 or email sales@vorpur.com
Payment: You can pay us any day during the package is running. But for the first time you order, we will encourage you to make the payment to our delivery person first day of the order start.
Wheatgrass is natures finest medicine, it helps neutralize toxins and environmental pollutants in the body.
This is because Wheatgrass contains beneficial enzymes that help protect us from carcinogens, including Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), that lessens the effects of radiation and digest toxins in the body.
It cleanses the body from head to toe of any heavy metals, pollutants and other toxins that may be stored in the body’s tissues and organs.
Wheatgrass is the young grass (harvested before the jointing stage) of the common wheat plant called triticum aestivum.Benefits of wheatgrass include oxygenating the body, antiseptic, antibacterial, balances hormones, alkalizes the body, regulates blood sugar, reduces inflammation, boosts the immune system, improves digestion, treats skin conditions such as Eczema and Psoriasis, and cleanses the colon just to name a few.
One 2 oz shot of wheatgrass is equal in nutrition to 5 lbs of the freshest organically grown vegetables.
Wheatgrass contains over 100 different elements needed by man, and many more we are still discovering. One of the most important nutrients in wheatgrass is Chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll is the substance that gives wheatgrass its signature, bright green color. it’s used in the human body for a number of important processes: It’s a natural liver cleanser and detoxifier, an amazing antioxidant to reduce free radical damage, is a blood strengthener and purifier (it has the nearest chemical composition to that of hemoglobin,) and can help give you a boost in energy just to name a few. But chlorophyll is not all wheatgrass has to offer.
Wheatgrass benefits also include being loaded with amino acids (the building blocks of proteins), enzymes which are needed for digestion, and many vitamins and minerals needed for disease-free living.But chlorophyll is only one of the important pigments in grass.
There are other pigments such as carotenoids (alpha carotene and the famous beta carotene) xanthophylls and zeaxanthin to name a few.
There are up to 18,000 units of beta-carotene per ounce of wheatgrass, this precursor of vitamin A has significant immune enhancing properties including the promotion of T-cells, reduced cancer risk and cardiovascular disease.
100% Raw Organic Wheatgrass Juice
Our raw, Organic, fresh Wheatgrass juice contains higher levels of Chlorophyll than any other green vegetable. Due to its exceptionally high nutritional content, fresh Wheatgrass juice can contribute to healthy energy levels, reduce tiredness and fatigue, boost physical and mental performance and support a healthy immune system.
Wheatgrass Shot
Plus fully fresh Cucumber & Coconut water as smoothie flavor.
(without Chia)
Total Volume : 150 ml or ~5 Fluid Ounce (oz)
Price including shipping charge for all over Dhaka City.
Order online or Call 01817016656
Email: sales@vorpur.com