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Emergency Food Package Supply (জরুরী খাদ্য সরবরাহ) – During Coronavirus COVID 19 Outbreak Full Family 7-10 Days Food Package @ 990 BDT Only

৳ 1,300.00
Emergency Food Package Supply (জরুরী খাদ্য সরবরাহ) - During Coronavirus COVID 19 Outbreak মূল্য - ৯৯০ টাকা মাত্র
প্যাকেজ - এ যা যা থাকছে :
চাল - ৬ কেজি
আলু - ৪ কেজি
ডাল - ১/২ কেজি
সয়াবিন তেল - ১/২ লিটার
লবন - ১/২ কেজি
পিয়াজ - ১ কেজি
মরিচ - ২০০ গ্রাম
শাক/সবজি - এক আইটেম
ডিম - ১ ডজন
দেশি মুরগি - ১ টি
করোনা ভাইরাসের সময়ে স্বাভাবিকভাবেই সবখানে আমাদের যাতায়াত সিমীত রাখা প্রয়োজন। আমি আর আপনি সচেতন হলেই দেখা যাবে একটা সময় এই ভাইরাস নিয়ন্ত্রণে চলে আসবে। সর্বনিম্ন যোগাযোগ আর সর্বোচ্চ পরিচ্ছন্নতা - সতর্কতার মাধ্যমেই আমরা এই দুঃসময় মোকাবেলা করতে পারি।
আর সেজন্যেই আমাদের পক্ষ থেকে এই প্রচেষ্টা।
বিনা মুনাফায় প্রতিটি খাদ্যপণ্য আপনাদের দরজায় পৌঁছে দেয়া আমাদের নৈতিক দায়িত্ব ও কর্তব্য।
(প্রতি সপ্তাহে সর্বোচ্চ একবার অর্ডার করার জন্য বিনীত অনুরোধ রইলো)
আমাদের প্যাকেজে একটি একক পরিবার অনায়েসে এক সপ্তাহ খেতে পারবেন।
আমরা সকলেই জানি দেশে খাদ্য পণ্যের অভাব নেই,
সমস্যা হলো -
১. নিরাপদ ও পর্যাপ্ত পরিচ্ছন্নতার সাথে সঠিকভাবে ডিস্ট্রিবিউশন
২. অতিমুনাফালোভী আর মজুতদারদের ভিড়ে পণ্যতালিকার মূল্য বৃদ্ধি
আর এজন্যেই আমাদের এই প্রচেষ্টা।
যতদিন সম্ভব আমরা এই সেবা দেয়ার সর্বোত্তম চেষ্টা করে যাবো।
Phone: 01817016656 Email:

Weekly Pack – Smoothie – Amarnath – Red with Chia

৳ 610.00
Microgreen smoothie and sprouts are superfood and your energy booster. They work best when you consume them each day of the week. At least five days primarily. We prepare the weekly pack for you to make the order hassle free and cheaper. Regular price : 135 BDT (one shot for single day) Weekly Pack Price : 610 BDT (more than 10% discount on regular price) What we offer: The same amount (exact quantity of daily pack) and same quality, we do make your daily life easy and this is why the package exists. You need to order once a week. We will continue deliver them entire week at your doorstep. For more info call 8801817016656 or email Payment: You can pay us any day during the package is running. But for the first time you order, we will encourage you to make the payment to our delivery person first day of the order start. Amaranth contains high complete protein amounts with vital amino acids, in contrast with other protein sources.Amaranth is gluten-free. Amaranth microgreens also contains vitamin A, C, E, folate, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, dietary fiber, calcium, amino acids, antioxidants, minerals and essential lysine.
  • Antioxidant
  • Activates digestion
  • Helps in cancer treatment
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Helps in treatment of cardiovascular disease and hypertension
  • Decreases hair loss and greying
  • Helps metabolize fatty acids into energy
  • Protects from Osteoporosis
  • Works as an appetite suppressant
  • Improves eyesight
  • Improves recovery from illness
  Chia: 10gm Amarnath Red Sprout Shot Plus fully fresh Cucumber & Coconut water as smoothie flavor. Total Volume : 150 ml or ~5 Fluid Ounce (oz) Price including shipping charge for all over Dhaka City. Order online or Call 01817016656 Email:

Weekly Pack – Smoothie – From Broccoli Sprout With Chia

৳ 675.00
Microgreen smoothie and sprouts are superfood and your energy booster. They work best when you consume them each day of the week. At least five days primarily. We prepare the weekly pack for you to make the order hassle free and cheaper. Regular price : 150 BDT (one shot for single day) Weekly Pack Price : 675 BDT (more than 10% discount on regular price) What we offer: The same amount (exact quantity of daily pack) and same quality, we do make your daily life easy and this is why the package exists. You need to order once a week. We will continue deliver them entire week at your doorstep. For more info call 8801817016656 or email Payment: You can pay us any day during the package is running. But for the first time you order, we will encourage you to make the payment to our delivery person first day of the order start.   Not a fan of broccoli? No worries; you can get some of the same nutrients from broccoli sprouts. These tiny sprouted seeds have almost twice the fiber per serving as mature broccoli, along with notable amounts of several vitamins and minerals. But keep in mind that any type of sprout brings with it a few particular concerns, including freshness and food safety. Broccoli Sprouts health benefits include promoting cardiovascular health, fighting inflammation, preventing autism, promoting digestive health, preventing cancer, managing diabetes, enhancing the skin, promoting brain health, good for respiratory system, preventing premature aging, and support overall body health. Chia: 10gm Broccoli Sprout Shot Plus fully fresh Cucumber & Coconut water as smoothie flavor. Total Volume : 150 ml or ~5 Fluid Ounce (oz) Price including shipping charge for all over Dhaka City. Order online or Call 01817016656 Email:

Weekly Pack – Smoothie – From Radish Sprout With Chia

৳ 610.00
Microgreen smoothie and sprouts are superfood and your energy booster. They work best when you consume them each day of the week. At least five days primarily. We prepare the weekly pack for you to make the order hassle free and cheaper. Regular price : 135 BDT (one shot for single day) Weekly Pack Price : 610 BDT (more than 10% discount on regular price) What we offer: The same amount (exact quantity of daily pack) and same quality, we do make your daily life easy and this is why the package exists. You need to order once a week. We will continue deliver them entire week at your doorstep. For more info call 8801817016656 or email Payment: You can pay us any day during the package is running. But for the first time you order, we will encourage you to make the payment to our delivery person first day of the order start. Radish sprouts list of nutrients reads like the info panel on a bottle of multivitamins. These are some seriously powerful little greens. Not only do they contain vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, they also deliver calcium iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc. But that’s not all. Radish sprouts are rich in essential amino acids and chlorophyll which has all sorts of benefits from cancer-fighting properties to digestive aid. These babies also contain a whole lot of fiber and roughage which we all know is important to help keep things running smooth. Moreover, it helps to detox your body. Radish is a root vegetable and ancient food crop that belongs to the same family as cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Radish sprouts taste just like radish! And even though they are extremely low in calories, they are rich in beneficial nutrients- such as enzymes, antioxidants, protein, minerals and vitamins- and provide a sense of fullness after eating. Radish sprouts contain high amounts of antioxidants that have been shown to be effective again several forms of cancer. Chia: 10gm Radish Sprout Shot Plus fully fresh Cucumber & Coconut water as smoothie flavor. Total Volume : 150 ml or ~5 Fluid Ounce (oz) Price including shipping charge for all over Dhaka City.

Weekly Pack – Smoothie – Wheatgrass Juice Shot With Chia

৳ 590.00
Microgreen smoothie and sprouts are superfood and your energy booster. They work best when you consume them each day of the week. At least five days primarily. We prepare the weekly pack for you to make the order hassle free and cheaper. Regular price : 130 BDT (one shot for single day) Weekly Pack Price : 590 BDT (more than 10% discount on regular price) What we offer: The same amount (exact quantity of daily pack) and same quality, we do make your daily life easy and this is why the package exists. You need to order once a week. We will continue deliver them entire week at your doorstep. For more info call 8801817016656  Payment: You can pay us any day during the package is running. But for the first time you order, we will encourage you to make the payment to our delivery person first day of the order start. *5 days a week. (five shots) Our most popular and healthy combination of smoothie for everyday purposes. Chia seeds are high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. They contain protein, Omega 3 ALA, and lots of fiber. A serving has as much calcium as a glass of milk. They promote energy and endurance. One study found that a serving of chia gel was as effective as energy drinks for maintaining athletic performance. Wheatgrass juice is one of the best sources of living chlorophyll available today (the juice not the powder). It is an effective healer because it contains all minerals known to man and vitamins A, B-complex, C, E, I and K. It is extremely rich in protein and contains 17 amino acids- the building blocks of protein. It contains up to 70% chlorophyll, which is an important blood builder. Chlorophyll neutralizes toxins in the body, helps purify the liver, improves blood sugar problems. This is just a powerhouse and superfood of your daily needs. Chia: 10gm Wheatgrasss Shot Plus fully fresh Cucumber & Coconut water as smoothie flavor. Total Volume : 150 ml or ~5 Fluid Ounce (oz) Price including shipping charge for all over Dhaka City.

Weekly Pack – Wheatgrass Smoothie

৳ 420.00
Microgreen smoothie and sprouts are superfood and your energy booster. They work best when you consume them each day of the week. At least five days primarily. We prepare the weekly pack for you to make the order hassle free and cheaper. Regular price : 95 BDT (one shot for single day) Weekly Pack Price : 420 BDT (more than 10% discount on regular price) What we offer: The same amount (exact quantity of daily pack) and same quality, we do make your daily life easy and this is why the package exists. You need to order once a week. We will continue deliver them entire week at your doorstep. For more info call 8801817016656 or email Payment: You can pay us any day during the package is running. But for the first time you order, we will encourage you to make the payment to our delivery person first day of the order start. Wheatgrass contains over 100 different elements needed by man, and many more we are still discovering. One

of the most  important nutrients in wheatgrass is Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the substance that gives wheatgrass its signature, bright green color.

100% Raw Organic Wheatgrass Juice Our raw, Organic, fresh Wheatgrass juice contains higher levels of Chlorophyll than any other green vegetable. Due to its exceptionally high nutritional content, fresh Wheatgrass juice can contribute to healthy energy levels, reduce tiredness and fatigue, boost physical and mental performance and support a healthy immune system. Wheatgrass Shot  Plus fully fresh Cucumber & Coconut water as smoothie flavor. (without Chia) Total Volume : 150 ml or ~5 Fluid Ounce (oz) Price including shipping charge for all over Dhaka City. Order online or Call 01817016656 Email: